Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Psalm 37:4


It began as a flicker in my weary heart. A faint hope. BUT GOD breathed life and life in abundance over this longing: a forever dream and desire to be around horses again. I later realised that the desire wasn't by chance; I didn't seek it out; it was never my own, but one that he'd planted when he made me:

 Things planned long ago...

I have loved horses for as long as I can remember. My childhood dream came true when I was able to have my own pony from the age of 13. When 'Gunner', my palomino pal, was no longer with us, I was only able to ride every now and then. That hobby was put on pause for almost 15 years when I lived and worked in a big city. I always hoped I might be able to be around horses again one day.  

When I first arrived at LIV Village in 2019, I was delighted to find out there were horses here! I was fortunate enough to go on a few outrides and loved every opportunity to be down at the stables, but I didn't get round to this very often. 

An unexpected opportunity

In April 2022, I travelled to Bradford, Ontario. I met with my South African friend from LIV. We trained and completed the Equine Course. 

Recognising the benefits and huge impact the program would have for our children, we were very excited to take these expertise back to the village.

Whilst far away from sunny South Africa and really only in the beginning stages of my rest and recuperation (not in the slightest way expecting the Lord to speak) I found out from my friend and colleague about a highly specialised Equine course available in Canada. Canada?! Yeah, right. 

Thinking there was no harm in looking, I attended a webinar outlining the specifics of the course: An Equine-Assisted Learning Program. 

Despite a hundred impossibilities, there was a resounding 'yes' in my spirit. I didn't know how, but I knew I was going to do this qualification.

God inspired me to hope and dream and feel excited about the new thing he had in store for me.  

A new chapter

I returned to South Africa and to LIV Village in May to embark upon my new role as an Equine-Assisted facilitator: a dream come true to work with my favourite humans (children) and horses!

To find out more about the Equine Program

© 2019 Lizzie Barrett 
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